David Brown's website
David Brown's website
Christian faith, reason and science
About this site
About this site

This is my personal home page. It's mainly to provide access to papers on topics that interest me - often the compatibility of science and faith, or the importance of presenting Christianity and Biblical truth in contemporary, up to date terms. You can contact me at
A word about me: I'm a Christian father of 3 living in Solihull, England. I've run one of the professional engineering organisations, of which I'm a Fellow, and serve or have served on the Board of a public body and various other Boards and bodies connected with science, engineering or regional economic development. I hold a natural sciences degree and doctorate from Cambridge and am a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institution of Chemical Engineers, and a Chartered Engineer. I am or have been a non-executive director, a trustee of several charitable organisations in the science and engineering sector and elsewhere, and chaired the Birmingham City of Sanctuary committee, whose aim is that Birmingham should offer a climate of welcome and hospitality to refugees and asylum seekers.
A word of warning: some Christians have a real problem reconciling faith and science, or in acknowledging that no one denomination or school of thought has all the right answers. And on occasion, that can lead to opposition and animosity. Be forewarned!
Thanks for visiting.